The Work of Louis Rota

Press articles about Rota

Articles relating to the event of 1915 can be consulted in Rota's Electro-gravitation


English press

These articles come from "The Bristish NEWSPAPER Archive".

The pages containing the articles cannot be reproduced for copyright reasons but can be consulted online with a small temporary subscription.

29 Sept 1920 THE YORKSHIRE POST - Page 6

Mysterious Air Disasters

Rota's explanation of an airplane disaster

Mysterious" Air Disasters.

Professor Luigi Rota, an Italian scientist who first came to England during the war at invitation of the Admiralty, suggested to me today an interesting explanation of "mysterious" airplane disasters like at Hayes, near London, last Saturday.

He said that the same telluric waves (or earth currents) which cause earthquakes and similar subterranean upheavals so affect the atmosphere at certain times and certain places that an airplane engine would be stopped.

Where the pilot was unable to plane down it is quite possible that the machine would crash before the earth wave influence had passed.

Professor Rota explains in the same way the mysterious wireless signals some time ago, and suggests that in the future, for purpose of defense against against aircraft or attack at sea, installations of a new kind will of vital importance.

14 Jul 1921 THE PALL MALL - Page 9


Publication of a letter sent by Rota



To the Editor of the PALL MALL AND GLOBE.

Sir, In view of the controversy arising from the desiro of meteorologist to endeavour to explain the cause of the present world-wide drought, and the hypothetical theories regarding meteorological phenomena attributing to sun spots, the following brief explanation my be of interest.

The cause of the present drought is the recent and present activaty of telluric or earth currents, which must not be confused with Ampere's thermo-electric currents.

These telluric currents differ as much in direction, intensity, and spheres of influence as they do their specific nature. Their action is vast, their influence very powerful and  they are the principal cause of various phenomena, which most scientist attempt to explain by vague theories.

Their influence is felt equally in the interior of the earth. on its surface, and in and the atmosphere, and they have this outstanding   feature that while their intensity and action are extremely variable, their direction can be defined definitely and their passage and effect forecasted and tabulated.

The phenomic action and influence of these telluric currents are felt in various directions and with varying intensity within confines that can be described as tetrahedron delineating a course, of, approximatively, 300,000 and a height of some 200,000 miles , and they perform a special work and produce a reaction on the barometric depression, and  in connection with the formation and condensation of clouds.

They also absolutely control the electric states of the atmosphere and given a proper knowledge of the natural laws governing telluric currents, it is possible to ascertain and predict meteorological and seismic phenomena from 1 to 15 years in advance.

Sun spots have 8 period of about eleven yean between their minimum and maximum, and were they the cause of drought we should have a severe drought when a sun spot reached its maximum, say, once in eleven yean whereas the present drought is of a severity which occurs only in a cycle of thirty to thirty-six years.

These telluric have produced such atmospheric conditions in the upper air as to prevent the formation and condensation of rain clouds, with the result that we have experienced heavy thunderstorms, accompanied by little or no rain, while in France, Italy and Spain heavy magnetic and hail storms have been experienced, instead of the usual rainfall, and storms of unusual severity have occurred in many places abroad

Unfortunately this drought is by no means at an end, and during this month we will experience temperatures approaching records for this country; and in Its wake will follow further results of telluric reaction in the form of diasastrous phenomena in the earth, in the air, and at sea.


(Signed) L. G. V. Rota.

6,Lloyd's avenue, E.C.a July 6.

15 Jul 1921 Belfast telegraph -  page 5

THE RECENT DROUGHT - Professor's explanation .

Activity of earth CURRENTS

copy de l'article




Mr. T. H. Milliken, who to a prominent member of the Ulster Association in London, has received the following letter from Professor L. G. V Rota, dealing with the causes of the recent and present phenomenal weather. The "disastrous phenomena" prophesied by the professor refer, we understand, to a terrific earthquake, which he asserts will take place in America.

(To the Editor of "Belfast Telegraph.")

In view of the controversy arising from the desire of meteorologists to endeavor to explain the cause of the present world-wide drought, and the hypothetical theories regarding meteorological phenomena attributing same to sun spots, the following brief explanation may be of interest.

The cause of the present drought is the recent and present activity of telluric or earth currents, which must not be confused with Ampere's thermo-electric currents. These telluric currents differ as , much in their direction, intensity, and spheres of influence as they do in their specific nature. Their action is vast: their influence  very powerful. and they are the principal cause of various phenomena, which most scientists attempt to explain by vague theories. Their influence is felt equally in the interior of the earth, on its surface and in the atmosphere, and they have this outstanding feature that, while their intensity and action are extremely variable, their direction can be defined definitely, and their passage and effect forecasted and tabulated. The phenomic action and influence of these telluric currents are felt in various directions, and with varying intensity within confines that can be roughly described as a tetrahedron delineating a courses of, approximately, 300,000 miles, and a height of some 200,000 miles. and they perform a special work and produce a reaction on the barometric  depression, and in connection with the formation and condensation of clouds. They also absolutely control the electric states of the atmosphere, and given a proper knowledge of the natural laws governing telluric currents, it is possible to ascertain and predict meteorological and seismic phenomena from one to fifteen years in advance.

Sun spots have a period of about eleven years between their minimum and maximum, and were they the cause of drought we should have a severe drought when a sun spot reached its maximum, say,  one in eleven years, whereas the present drought is of a severity which occurs only in a cycle of thirty to thirty-six years.

This telluric currents have produced such atmospheric conditions in the upper air as to prevent the formation and condensation of rain clouds, with the result that we have experienced heavy thunderstorms accompanied by little or no rain, while in France, Italy. and Spain heavy magnetic and hail storms hays been experienced instead of the usual rainfall, and storms of unusual severity. have occurred in many places abroad.

Unfortunately this drought is by no means at an end, and during this worth we will experience temperature approaching records for this country, end in its wake will follow further results of telluric reaction in the form of disastrous phenomena in the earth, in the air, and at sea.

(Signed) L. V. ROTA. 6 Lloyd's Avenue. London

15 Jul 1921 WESTERN MAIL page 6


An interview of Rota in presence of a british officicer, Captain

photo article




To-day is St. Swithin's Day, and the forecasters are doing their best for us. There will be disastrous phenomena in the earth, in the air, and at sea. This was the prediction of Professor L. G. V. Bota, and when he read it a " Star " reporter went hot in search of the prophet. He found him in a City office--of all places. With him was Capt. J. Sinclair Ross, who is certain that Rota has discovered the secret of the ages. The captain is acting as a sort of liaison officer between science and commerce.

There are no ifs and buts about the professor. He has no time for the "vague Theories"  of the ordinary forecaster. It is the telluric currents, he says, that are responsible for the weather. It is the telluric currents that are strangling depressions, as they are born and marching them off the earth. There may be a few showers during the next few days, but they will be nothing to speak of, be adds.

Capt. Sinclair Ross explained that Rota's predictions in other directions, based on telluric study, have proved uncannily accurate. He has been especially good at earthquakes.

"Given the necessary leisure," he said, "he would be able to predict an earthquake as the astronomer predicts an eclipse."

In this connection it should be noted that the biggest earthquake in British history is being saved up for Cardiff and is due to happen within the next year or so.

Cardiff, fortunately, will not get the force of the blow. as it will happen in the Bristol Channel. but the seaport will receive the biggest tidal wave ever heard of, and the telluric explosion (so to speak) will pass on to Liverpool, across to Nottingham, look in at Leeds, and wind up in the Westphalian coalfields.

These predictions, however, are only the side of the professor's main work. His purpose in life is to harness the earth. The earth is its own power-house,and its energy is constantly passing of in the form of telluric waves, he says. The charting of this currents enables him to predict weather and earthquake from one to fifteen years in advance.

It was, of course, necessary to secure corroboration of this alarming announcement that may upset the tranquility of Cardiff,  and a junior reporter was summoned in haste to interview at late hour a telluric. Unfortunately, he returned without being able to dispel the awful fears, and in a breathless voice said that the plumbers were shut. Cardiff, however, can console itself that it has some rain. London has not-- perhaps this is what the professor meant.

15 Jul 1921 BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE page 4


Foretelling the Weather by Telluric Waves


Foretelling the Weather by Telluric Waves.

The drought is by no means at an end, and during this month w e shall experience temperatures approaching records for this country. Subsequently there will be disastrous phenomena in the earth, in the air, and at sea.

This was the prediction of Professor L. G. V. Rota. and when he read it a Gazette reporter went hot in search of the prophet.

He found him in a City office—of all places. With him was Captain J. Sinclair Hoes, who in certain that Rota has discovered the secret of the ages.

The captain in acting an a sort of liaison officer between science and commerce. There are no ifs and buts about the professor. He has no time for the vague theories " of the ordinary forecaster.

It is the telluric currents, he says, that are responsible for the weather. It is the telluric currents that are strangling depressions as they are born and marching them off the earth.

Some Showers Coming.

There may be a few showers during the next few days, but they will be nothing to speak of, he adds.

Captain Sinclair Ross explained that Rota's prediction in other directions, based on telluric study, have proved uncannily accurate. He has been especially at earthquakes.

'Given the neweesiat7 leis-ire. - he said. would be able to predict an earthquake as the astronomer predict° an eclipse." In this connection it should be noted that the biggest earthquake in British history is being laved up for Cardiff, and is due to happen within the next year or so.

Cardiff, fortunately, will not get the full forces of the blow. It will happen in the Bristol Channel, but the seaport will receive the biggest tidal wave ever known, and the telluric explosion (so to speak) will pass on to Liverpool, across to Nottingham, look in at Leeds. and wind up in the Westphalian coalfields.

Weather 15 Years Hence.

These predictions. however, are only the side issues of the Professor's main work. His purpose in life is to harness the earth The earth is its own power-house, and its energy is constantly passing off in the form of telluric waves, he gays.

The charting of these currents enables him to predict weather and earthquakes from one to fifteen years in advance.

He has also been able to construct a wireless's-controlled airship which can sail round the earth without a crew.

Further, with a little additional effort' he will be able to map out the oil areas of the earth as the water-diviner traces water.

Incidentally, he can produce protected and insulated wireless waves which cannot be tapped or jammed.

The Professor, in fact. is a sort of Jules Verne library come to life, but—and it is an important but—he has managed to persuade the hard-headed men of the City that there is something in his dream.

19 Jul 1921 PALL MALL AND GLOBE page 9





To the Editor of the PALL MALL AND GLOBE

In common, I suppose, with the rest of your readers, I was greatly interested in Professor Rota's letter in your issue of the 14th inst. relating to the heat wave and its causes. Appearing as I did simultaneously with some remarks of Mr H Jeffreys, the librarian of the Meteorological Office, it was, by contrast, perhaps, the more remarkable.

May I, as a mere man in the street,, without any pretension to scientific knowledge, ask the professor if he could be more explicit ? Can he tell us:

  1.  How much longer the present weather conditions are likely to continue ?
  2.  What are the phenomena which he says most scientists attempt to explain by vague theories ?
  3. What is the nature of the coming disasters in the earth, in the air, and at sea, and what are the probable dates of these occurrences ?

If it would not be construed as an impertinence, I should also like to ask what are the means by which the actions of telluric currents can be forecasted and tabulated. As the professor has made statements of exceptional interest, I trust on public grounds he will not object to supplement them, if not with definite proofs, at least with further information.

28 Sackville-street, W.I.

25 Jul 1921 THE PALL MALL AND GLOBE  page 6





By professor L. G. V. Rota.
So much ho been written and so many would-be explanations have been offered by meteorologist and others as to the cause and probable duration of the prolonged drought that the has arrived when some public announcement should be made in such terms as will enable your readers to understand why the whole world has been suffering from severe drought, and what the causes are which have produced the present abnormal atmospheric conditions. Sun spots have been the favorite explanation, but it in more than time that this fetish should be thrown aside, as sun spots do not affect the weather, nor do they cause the drought. Professor Sir J. J. Thomson, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, puts the the situation tersely when he dates: "There are many things in meteorology that we do not understand. I am inclined to look upon the drought as one of them is impossible to say what exactly is the cause of the drought". Meteorologists have been attempting explain the drought without having a definite knowledge of its causes.

My studies have led to the discovery of three classes of telluric, or earth currents, never previously defined. These currents have no
analogy with Ampere's thermo-electric currents. The Late Lord Kelvin proclaimed shortly before his death, the existence of an unknown current, but without further defining it. It is evident also from Newton's letter to Bentley in 1691 that the discoverer of the Law of gravitation has some suspicion of a law of universal attraction. These telluric currents vary in their specific nature, their intensity, direction, and limits of influence. Their radius of action is immense, their action very powerful, and they cause the natural phenomena which scientists have endeavoured in vain to explain.
Telluric Currents.

These telluric currents have brought about
an atmospheric condition which renders impossible the formation and condensation of clouds, hence we have not had our usual rainfall, because they also control the electric state of the atmosphere, and they absolutely master the formation of electric storms. Given full knowledge of the laws which govern telluric currents, it becomes possible to foretell the weather for years ahead. As an example: On July 6 I stated in response to inquiries, that the drought was not at an end, unfortunately, and that during this month we would experience temperatures approaching records for this country.
Since July 6 I have made further calculations, and now find that the same weather will continue until the end of this month. This must be understood to mean the weather generally over the whole world, and that slight local showers of rain or hail storms affecting email isolated areas cannot be looked upon as a cessation of the drought. But, if during the period between July 30 and August 5 certain changes do not occur, the drought will continue for a further thirty to forty days, while in certain countries it will be prolonged, unfortunately, for ninety to to 120 days. It is to be borne in mind that drought and high temperatures are not necessarily concurrent. Any change which may come from the drought conditions will mean that we shall pass at once from dry weather to steady, heavy rain or a continuance of the drought.
The action of telluric currents, which induced this drought, will also cause other phenomena, as during the next three or four years we shall hear of violent eruptions, great earthquakes, tidal waves, hurricanes, and heavy looses at sea.
Cause of Phenomena.
Telluric currents can be tabulated and their action foretold for many years in advance, whether in connection with weather, magnetic storms, aurora, or earthquake disturbances. As an instance of this, I advised the Seismographic graphic observatory at Florence, on July 1916, and on June 25, 1918, I advised the Geographical Society, London, that within five years from July, 1916, earthquakes of a certain violence would commence in Liguria, Italy would traverse province of Alexandria and touch Emelia and Tuscany, and would end in the Balkans with a strong repercussion in Central Asia. That these predicted earthquakes took place in Italy and the Balkans is common knowledge, while with regard to the Central Asia earthquake, I Inform a London daily newspaper on December 12, 1920. vide their issue of December 14, 1920, that the earthquake which had just then occurred in the Balkans would finish in China, and on December 16, 1920, the greatest earthquake on record for century took place in China, and 180,000 people were killed.
Meteorology would benefit if research were directed towards the causes of certain phenomena rather than towards their effects, and seekers knowledge might devote their energies to the elucidation of the following:
What are the causes of formation of cyclones and anti-cyclones ?
What are sun spots gun and the aurora ?
W bat is the origin of the Gulf Stream ?
What is the cause of icebergs ?
What is a barometric depression ?
What is the derivation of terrestrial magnetism ?
When meteorologists have solved these, we shall have broken away from the old circle of research and progressed towards truth.


01 Jan 1922 Daily Herald  page 5


Rota is  about to start a company...





A company is about to be floated to work the invention of a very young, but little known scientist, whose discovery, if it fulfills his claims, will literally revolutionize the world.

This fact was disclosed to me yesterday (writes a DAILY HERALD correspondent) by two financiers in their office in the City of London.
This invention, I was told is one that can cause battleships, submarines, aeroplanes and guns to crumble to dust the moment any government gives orders to move them.


That was only the beginning of the marvel. The mysterious force about to be harnessed for the service of man would immensely speed up travel, and communication, whether by land, water, or air, cheapen every sort of manufacture and enhance every domestic and social amenity.
For instance, a cargo of mails or goods could be sent across the Atlantic, through the upper air, without a human being aboard the craft, at a speed of 10 to 400 miles an hour. The vessel would rise vertically to prescribed height, travel horizontally in a predetermined direction, and drop gently and punctually upon its destination.


Wireless messages, dispatched from no costly or elaborate stations, would travel to any distance, free from all danger of dissipation or confusion, and with absolute privacy as between sender and receiver.
The nature of all mineral and oil deposit in any part of the world and their depth and volume will be determined without so much as sinking a shaft.
Current rushing through the air will provide the householder with cheaper, safer, and more brilliant lighting he has ever ventured to desire.


A new power for every industry will first make coal, steam, oil and electricity more efficient and afterwards dispense with them altogether.
Within 18 month, I was told - and in accents of conviction—the company will be operating, and a spectacular demonstration will convince the worlds that all these wonders, and more, can be accomplished.
The secret is "telluric currents," and discoverer is a young Italian scientist, Professor L. V. Rota
The existence of these currents, which emanate from the earth (hence their name) has been suspected by others scientists. Lord Kelvin, shortly before his death, declared their reality. Professor Rota claims to be the first to discover and record them.
They may also be described as "molecular forces," and they must not be confused, says the Professor, with Amperes's thermo-electric currents, or with Foucault currents.


It is the study of these telluric currents, in their nature, intensity, and direction, that is believed to open up tremendous possibilities of such importance for the future of humanity.
As a preliminary demonstration,Professor Rota, who was then living in Marseilles, constructed a cigar-shaped apparatus 17ft. long. 30in. in diameter and weighting 200lb and convinced certain press correspondents that this apparatus could remain suspended motionless in the air for 24 hours carrying a considerable weight and be propelled or stopped without the use of any mechanical motor.

12 Jan 1922 Daily Herald  page 8


Rota confirm his ability to predict weather an earthquake





"I could destroy New York from here" (London)

Professor L, G V. Rota. of whose amazing claims as a scientific discoverer and inventor I had something to say in yesterday's DAILY HERALD (writes a correspondent), had still more wonders to tell I had a subsequent interview with him.

He stated that he knew how to construct apparatus  which, through the agency of the telluric or earth currents, which he claims to be the first to utilise, , would enable him to melt any gun at a distance of 60 miles, put any existing wireless installation out of action at a distance of 200 miles. and disable any mariner's compass at the same distance.

Consequently. he could make it impossible for any hostile Power to attack Great Britain.

"And surely." I asked if you could destroy the things you have mentioned you could destroy anything?

You could lay a foreign city—Paris. for instance—-in ruins?"

I could destroy New York from here," he replied.


One of his most remarkable claims and one which should admit of a test which the man in the street could understand. is that he has foretold earthquakes—a thing which nobody has been able to do before. He states that earthquakes are caused by telluric currents.

It appears that on July 3, 1916. he informed the Seismographic 0bservatory at Florence. and on June 1918, the Royal Geographical Society  in London, that a greet earthquake would occur in Liguria, Italy would  the province of Alessandria. touch Emilia and Tuscany and end in the Balkans with strong repercussion in Central Asia.

Now, as the world knows, such an earthquake did actually break out in those parts of Italy and did much damage from September 7 to 9, 1920, and the newspapers further reported an earthquake in China in the following December, when lire 180.000 lives were said to have been lost.


It was by tapping the main sources of  power that he would able to perform the wonders of which he had spoken.

Medicine, it seems is to benefit from the new discoveries no less than industry. Tuberculosis  (in early stage ), cancer. fevers, shell-shock, syphilis, neurasthenia and leprosy would, he said, all curable when other methods are reinforced by properly directed earth currents.

12 Sept 1923 THE COURIER page 4

THE INVISIBLE RAY - power that means world control - German challenge to our scientists

Rota is not directly cited in this article, but it gives credit to some fantastic discovery claims...

German Challenge To Our Scientists
Special to the Courier.

Mistrust of the German is almost a hereditary trait in the average Frenchman, consequently much uneasiness, if no actual alarm, has been occasioned in French aeronautical circles by a report, from Vienna expressing strong belief that the repeated failure of French aeroplanes when flying over certain stretches of German territory is due to the action of secret wireless rays discovered by the Germans.
We know that German scientific investigators whose object is development of radio-activity in the air, have been very successful with their experiments in directional wireless which has been engaging the attention of scientists of all nations during recent years but let us examine the matter impartially.
In the first place, is it possible to force aircraft to the ground by means of a wireless ray, which, speaking broadly, is nothing but a disturbance in the ether traveling along u given path to a certain objective?

Nothing impossible.

Wireless enthusiasts have erased the word impossible from their dictionaries: atomic forces, which cause the unseen ripple in the ether, are to them powerful force, which, when properly harnessed, will be capable of doing unheard-of things. But although it possible to control aeroplanes or even battleships by wireless, it is outside the range of probability at the moment that a method has been discovered by which the secret rays can cripple a flying machine in the air.

I say "at the moment," mind you. Call me dreamer if you will, but I am convinced that in less than fifty years' time a method Will have been found to use wireless rays capable not merely of forcing aeroplanes to land but of destroying whole towns.
The mighty atom is mightier than we ever supposed. as all recent investigations go to prove.

A Ray That Melts Metals.

A means by which it is possible to send a wireless ray through the ether with sufficient intensity to melt all metals it comes in contact with has engaging the attention of our scientists for some time. Nor have their experiments been for only recently a coil of wire was melted by means of invisible rays over distance of two feet.

Have the Germans discovered a way of sending more powerful rays over greater distance? Scientists have proved, in theory, that with telluric currents (rays which emanate from the earth) it is possible to melt heavy masses of metals a distance of 60 miles. Can it be possible that the Germans have already found a means of harnessing this power.

Mighty Weapon.

Imagine what a weapon of defense, or offense, this mighty force would be if no adequate method of neutralizing it was discovered. No longer would it be necessary to equip armies, navies, and air forces : the power of the invisible ray would render the finest navy in tho world obsolete. The steel of its mighty ships would be a bit glass, the guns the army would be just as useless, whilst aeroplanes would belie their name for they would not be able to rise from the ground. Everything would be at the mercy of the controller of tho deadly wireless rays. The foregoing is just a peep into the future. Let us now look at tho present.

Value of Directional Wireless.

It is a well-known fact that wireless rays, when sent out from a station, travel in all directions; like the ripples on a pond when a stone is dropped into it. Directional wireless is the concentrating of these rays in one single beam like the rays Of a searchlight. The advantage of directional wireless, as employed to control aeroplanes, ships, &c., to give vessels at sea their correct bearings, and as a means of direct communication between two stations are too obvious to merit comment, but directional wireless as a method of offense must be seriously considered.
The big German wireless station at Nauen has been very busy experimenting with wireless beams for some time. They laugh at the allegation that wireless has been responsible for the otherwise inexplicable mishap to French' planes, but the
French Secret Service people are more than interested in recent experiment carried out at Nauen which may throw some light on the matter.

Is it a New Ray?

Recently a number of motor cars were mysteriously brought to a stop near Nauen; at least the breakdowns appeared to be mysterious until a German technician, whose enthusiasm overcame his discretion, boasted that Nauen had discovered a new ray; a power ray which could be concentrated in a single beam with deadly effect.

The Nauen people declare that the magnetos or the cars stopped were specially prepared for what was nothing more than an experiment in wireless control. But the French have other opinions.

"Be prepared" must again be our motto. With the secret rays at her command Germany would have the world at her mercy if, as I have said before, no method of neutralizing the said rays is discovered. A neutralizer must be found, and it is up to our scientists to do it.

15 Sept 1923 THE SLIGO CHAMPION page 8

SECRETS RAYS - Mystery of 'Plane Failures' - German Denial

L.G.V. Rota is cited in this article for his work on telluric currents

Mystery of of 'Plane Failures'
Scientific investigators who have been inquiring into the possibility of developments in the region of radio-activity in the air are interested in the report from Vienna, published in the "daily Mail" of Saturday last, that there is a strong belief that the repeated failure of French aeroplanes when flying over German territory, is due to the action of secret rays discovered by the Germans.

Although practical aeronauts display scepticism as to the power of any rays to affect the engine of an aeroplane to the extent of disabling it, eminent scientists, though naturally displaying some caution in expressing opinions on the achievements with which the Germans are credited, do not dismiss the possibility as outside the realms of practicability. The wonders of wireless in the control of aeroplanes in the air make is not all improbable that forces exist which may be utilised to check or interfere with mechanism as well as to guide it.

Two theories have been put forward. One is that by a concentration of wireless rays the magneto of the aeroplane may be affected , and another is that a new ray has been discovered which will melt the metals. In this connection it is noted that most of forced landing of french aeroplane when flying from Strasburg to Prague have taken place in the vicinity of a German aerodrome at Furth.

In a message to the "Daily Mail" Professor Sir Oliver Lodge, a pioneer of wireless telegraphy, who has conducted wide researches into the transmission of power through the air, expresses the opinion:

Might be possible by strong oscillations to excite surgings in metal of aeroplanes so that sparks occurred at wrong times and thus stopped the engines. No other way likely.

Professor A.M.Low, another scientific investigator, while expressing the view that the the claim now advanced for the Germans sounded far-fetched, showed that scientists have been working along the lines of discovering a new forces which can be projected through the air with the object of disabling an aeroplane. "What scientists have been engaged upon," he said, "is the means of sending in the form of oscillations through the air a force which on coming in contact with metal will generate heat.
"if this force could be concentrated and made sufficiently powerful the metal of the aeroplane could be melted and the machine would be brought down. I fell confident that in 50 or 60 years' time such a thing will be possible. But I have no information to lead me to think that the discoveries of the Germans are so far ahead of us at the present time. It has been possible to transmit over a distance of two feet rays of a sufficient power to melt a small coil of wire. But there is a wide difference between transmitting such a power over a distance of a foot or two and a distance of one or two thousand yards."

It is well-known fact that for some times the big German wireless station at Nauen has been experimenting with directional wireless with the object of sending out wireless rays concentrated along a certain path in the same was as the beams as a searchlight are directed along a certain path.

The authorities at Nauen have denied, however, that anything they are doing could in any way have affected the French aeroplanes.

Last year Professor L.G.V. Rota, an Italian scientist, visiting London, described experiment he was conducting with telluric currents, which emanate from the earth, and with which Lord Kelvin had occupied himself before his death. He affirmed that it will be possible to melt heavy masses of metal at a distance of 60 miles, and put out of action a wireless station at a range of 200 miles.

It is well known that the Germans have long been experimenting with devices which would interfere with the stability of aeroplanes. During the war information reached this country of experiments which were being carried out on the Tempehofer field at the outskirts of Berlin to try the effect of artificial hurricane wind on aeroplanes. The theory was that fierce air current near the ground might produce disturbances of the air which would cause air pockets to disturb the flight of a machine.

Scientific experts in the service of the French Government have for months past writes a "Daily Mail" correspondent, been probing the riddle of secret experiments which the Germans are known to be conducting,
The key to the mystery is now declared to lie at Naven, the great German wireless station.

German technicians there, confronted point blank by an assertion that they had been interfering wirelessly with the electrical equipment of aeroplanes in flight, have denied the statement heatedly, declaring it to be "fantastic" and "grotesque". But what they have not denied is that they are experimenting with the control, direction, and focusing towards one definite point of the compass of wireless currents so powerful that they might produce effects and achieve results hitherto considered impossible.

The director of the Nauen station was furious not long ago when an extraordinary story leaked out about a number of motorcars having been brought to a dead stop on a lonely road at night by a wireless beam focused across a certain stretch of country by the Nauen station. French secret service agents now affirm that the experiment did veritably take place that is was intended to have kept it utterly dark, but that a whisper of it somehow another leaked out with the result that the Germans have been spending most of their time since in trowing cold water on the whole idea, and in saying that even if motor-cars were brought to halt by Nauen the magnetos of these cars had been prepared before hand for the experiment, which was merely an ingenious demonstration of ordinary wireless control. This does not, however, fit in with the incautious statement of one German technician with the night party in question who was heard to declare triumphantly that what Nauen was sending out that night was a focused, directed beam having such characteristics and such power that it might be regarded as a brand new form regarded as a brand new form or wireless "ray". Have the German scientists actually evolved a new and invisible "ray" with which they can do things never accomplished before? That is the problem and upon it solution some of the astutest brains in France are now concentrating.




Rota advice on electric chair




Professor L. G. Rota, the French expert on earth currents, has described the manner in which Mrs. Ruth Snyder and Judd Gray (murderers of Mrs Snyder's husband) were sent to their deaths in the electric chair at Sing Sing Prison as "a form of torture." He said :

"Discussion has gone on for several years as to whether or not the chair should be abolished, and speaking from what I think I may say, without immodesty, is a profound knowledge of electricity and its physiological effects, I have hesitation in pronouncing the electric chair the most inhuman form of execution conceived by the mind of men." Professor Rota went on:

"The space of time before death supervenes varies according to the subject. Some have a greater physiological resistance than others. I do not believe that anyone killed by electrocution dies instantly, no matter how weak the subject may be. In certain cases death will not have come about even though the point of contact of the electrode with the body shows distinct burns. Thus, in particular cases, the condemned person may be alive and even conscious for several minutes without it being possible for doctor to say whether the victim is dead or not.

During my scientific researches I once received a shock of ordinary industrial current with a small condensing apparatus by side. I was "knocked out" for 40 minutes, but although those around were unaware of fact that I felt any pain I was suffering agony. Yet I was unable to move or utter sound.

If electrocution is to be continued a way of executing criminals, method should devised measuring beforehand the physiological condition of each particular case, and current should applied accordingly an electrical scientist and not by a doctor.

US supreme Courts

U.S Supreme court

case against the State of Louisiana in 1985 (471 U.S. 1080 (1985) – Jimmy L.Class v. Louisiana No. 84-6030)

28 L.G.V. Rota, a renowned French electrical scientist, concluded after extensive research that

"[i]n every case of electrocution, . . . death inevitably supervenes but it may be very long, and above all, excruciatingly painful . . . . [T]he space of time before death supervenes varies according to the subject. Some have a greater physiological resistance than others. I do not believe that anyone killed by electrocution dies instantly, no matter how weak the subject may be. In certain cases death will not have come about even though the point of contact of the electrode with the body shows distinct burns. Thus, in particular cases, the condemned person may be alive and even conscious for several minutes without it being possible for a doctor to say whether the victim is dead or not. . . . This method of execution is a form of torture."

Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts

Indictments found and returned in the Superior Court on June 14, 1972

While the actual physical and psychological pain of execution itself is, of course, immeasurable, there is a sharp conflict of expert opinion regarding whether electrocution produces instantaneous loss of consciousness. At least one observer, a French scientist, concluded: "I do not believe that anyone killed by electrocution dies instantly, no matter how weak the subject may be." Comment, The Death Penalty Cases, 56 Cal. L. Rev. 1268, 1339 (1968), quoting Prof. L. G. V. Rota in Scott, [***14]


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