LGV Rota Patents
From Wikirota
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Aero Radio Balistique | LGV Rota Patents | U.C.D.D.F | Earth Antenna | Rota's lamps |
The following data are supplied from the European Patent Office (esp@cenet) database. You can read on line and print free of charge these patents using the Publication number field of the Advance search screen (ex: FR508472).
Here is the list of the Lgv Rota's patents found in this database, sorted by application date.
1 No English title available Inventor: ROTA LOUIS; MILIENNE GEORGES Applicant: EC: F16C39/06 IPC: F16C39/06; F16C39/00 Publication info: FR508472 - 1920-10-13 2 Apparatus for the Concentration of Electric Waves in a Single Direction or upon a Fixed Point. Inventor: ROTA LUIGI; BINETTI ERNESTO (IT) Applicant: ROTA LUIGI; BINETTI ERNESTO (IT) EC: H04B13/00 IPC: H04B13/00; H04B13/00 Publication info: GB128624 - 1919-07-03 3 Improved Means for Signalling the Presence of Explosive Mines, Submarine or other Ships, Icebergs and other Bodies. Inventor: ROTA LUIGI GIOVANNI VALERIO (GB) Applicant: ROTA LUIGI GIOVANNI VALERIO (GB) EC: G01V3/08 IPC: G01V3/08; G01V3/08 Publication info: GB129059 - 1919-06-30 4 No English title available Inventor: ROTA LUIGI GIOVANNI VALERIO Applicant: EC: G01V3/08 IPC: G01V3/08; G01V3/08 Publication info: FR536324 - 1922-04-29
Some Rota's notes reference reference a brevet using the Application Number:
Nr | Patent | Application date | Application nbr | Accepted | Complete Accepted/ Published |
Title / Abstract | |
1 | FR508472 | Oct. 4, 1913 | 26 Jul 1920 | Oct 13, 1920 | "Electro Gravitation" | ||
2 | GB128624 | Aug. 14, 1917 | 11,658/17 | Jul 3, 1919 | Apparatus for concentration of Electric Waves in a Single Direction or upon a Fixed Point | ||
3 | GB129059 | May 28, 1918 | 8778/18 | June 30 1919 | Improved means for signalling the Presence of Explosive Mines , Submarine or other ships, Icebergs and Other Bodies | ||
4 | FR536324 | May 14, 1919 | Feb. 9,1922 | Apr 29, 1922 | French version of the above patent |