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(Un type de courant tellurique ?)
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Version actuelle datée du 28 janvier 2017 à 05:09

Les Courants Universels

Un type de courant tellurique ?

Extrait des brevets français et anglais (GB129059,FR536324) «  Perfectionnements apportés aux moyens pour signaler la présence de mines explosives.... »

"Il existe certains courants telluriques qui produisent, dans la terre, des tourbillons magnétiques. La présence de l'intensité de ces courants se révèle lorsqu'un choc se produit entre eux et un corps magnétique ou para-magnétique, quel que soit ce dernier. Grâce à ce fait, il est possible de découvrir la présence d'une mine, d'un sous-marin, d'un navire ou autre corps magnétique ou para-magnétique..."

Un bon point de départ est le courant tellurique ordinaire connu de la physique. Même aujourd'hui beaucoup de leurs caractéristiques sont mal comprises. On pense que les courants telluriques sont provoqués par le déplacement de grandes quantités d'eau salée qui se produisent dans des courants océaniques se déplaçant à travers le champ géomagnétique terrestre. Une autre source serait les orages solaires qui provoquent les fluctuations dans le champ magnétique terrestre et qui induisent à leur tour les courants électriques qui circulent à la surface de la terre. Lord Kelvin, il y a 90 ans, suggéra que la rotation de la terre dans son champ magnétique non-uniforme était une source possible des courants telluriques. Selon ses notes, Rota pensait initialement que les courants telluriques provenaient de l'intérieur de la terre. Les champs magnétiques que ces courants telluriques se combinent avec le champ magnétique nord-sud en produisant un champ complexe.

Il existe une autre possibilité : le champ magnétique de la terre est-il fixe dans l'espace ou tourne-t-il avec la terre ? Il n'est pas possible de le dire en plantant simplement deux tiges de métal à une certaine distance l'une de l'autre et en mesurant leur différence de potentiel avec un voltmètre, car une même tension serait induite dans les fils du voltmètre et l'appareil ne mesurerait aucune tension. Ceci est équivalent à considérer la terre comme générateur homo-polaire avec la terre tournant dans son propre champ magnétique. Considérant l'irrégularité du champ magnétique terrestre, il circulerait un champ composite de courants telluriques liés d'une manière complexe au champ magnétique solaire. Nous sommes alors devant une énigme: pourquoi Rota utilisait-il un solénoïde en rotation axiale au lieu d'une simple bobine pivotante qui est en fait un magnétomètre efficace?

A00031 SchemaRevolving.jpg A00030 SchemaDetector.jpg

Conventionally, rotation of a solenoid would only produce an output current if magnetic flux threading it changed and so axially revolving it would produce no current. Rota was well aware of the laws of electromagnetic induction so it is supposed that he discovered that the solenoid worked by accident, not by any application of known electromagnetic principles.

Rota also says:-

“Having devoted long years to the study of cosmic currents I have been lead, little by little, to verify that these currents have nothing in common with currents of the earth’s magnetic field but have an existence of their own”.

The universal current operates in living organisms and this is another factor that takes the universal current out of the ordinary, indeed, when life ceases the currents in a cadaver are without reaction on the synchronised metal test apparatus. In this sense synchronization is the process of bringing metal to life because a synchronised metal acts on the test apparatus in a similar manner to the response of a living organism

  • Rota stated that electricity is formed from five currents. The electric component consists of two currents and the magnetic component from three. Electric current does not react with the test apparatus and is therefore dead, so electric current is a degradation of the universal currents. Rota also says that they are of cosmic origin, but one wonders if he is talking of the ultimate origin in the sense that all metals are composed of universal currents which are cosmic in origin or is saying that the act of making electric current attracts these five cosmic forces from space.

If the component universal currents originate from the metals such as in a simple two metal and electrolyte battery, then the electric current would be different depending on the metals which sourced it. Physical instruments detect only the pressure (volts) and current (amperes) or the quantity of electric charge (coulombs) and are blind to any hidden content or variable.

In conventional physics the electromagnetic field originates from moving and static electric charges. Because Rota’s experiments were geophysical and concerned with magnetic anomalies it is worth giving an idea of the present day orthodox view of the earth’s magnetic field.

The Earth's magnetic field is a sum of several contributions including the main (core) field, the crustal (anomaly) field, and the external source (magnetospheric) fields. The core contribution dominates the field from the Earth's surface up to about four Earth radii.

Beyond four Earth radii, the Earth's magnetic field is increasingly affected by the solar wind interaction with the Earth's magnetosphere. The distortions can be described by several external source fields caused by magnetospheric current systems. One can identify three main current systems in the undisturbed outer magnetosphere:

  1. a current system on the magnetospheric boundary (magnetopause);
  2. a current system in the neutral sheet of the geomagnetic tail (the surface that separates two lobes of the tail);
  3. a current system around the Earth (ring current) flowing in the equatorial (minimum B) surface.

During geomagnetic storms and sub-storms, substantial changes occur in these systems, in addition to the appearance of field-aligned currents flowing out of and into the ionosphere.

It is reasonably clear that at least some of the disturbances mention by Rota are seen today in geophysical observations, particularly extra low frequency signals (ELF) however the main body of his discoveries regarding the universal current do not fit well into the present day geophysical observations. In my opinion, the origin of the universal current is to be found not in the magnetic B field which affects a compass but in some other form of magnetism. One such possibility is the magnetic vector potential which is undetectable by the usual electromagnetic methods. Until quite recently the magnetic vector potential was regarded as a mathematical fiction, useful for calculation but having no physical reality. Aharonov-Bohm experiment showed that the magnetic vector potential is real. Nevertheless, a magnetic vector potential requires an electric current or spinning electric charges as a source. The electric currents flowing the earth are the telluric currents induced by solar activity or internal currents within the earth’s crust. Another possibility depends on whether the earth’s ordinary magnetic field is fixed in space or revolves with the earth, if it is fixed the earth revolves in its own magnetic field inducing electric potentials (Faraday homopolar generator effect)and hence electric currents in the earths crust. We could not measure this potential because the measuring instrument also have identical potentials induced in them because they are fixed on the earth. Such currents would take a large variety of paths due to differing ground resistance and also differing magnetic intensity at various places etc. which would fluctuate on a regular daily basis as the earth rotates in its fixed field. Although we could not detect the potentials which cause the potentials we could detect the magnetic effects of the currents caused by these potentials. This fits in well with Rota’s hypothesis as stated in his patents

“There are certain telluric currents that produce in the earth magnetic vortices. The intensity of these currents is revealed when they meet a paramagnetic object”.

For this reason it seems to me likely that that this was the path Rota originally took in his initial experiments 90 years ago.

An ordinary electric current as produced by a common dynamo will not synchronise a metal so, if we adopt this hypothesis, there must be something special about the earth’s magnetic field and the electric currents it induces. To accord with Rota’s findings, there is an additional variable present in earth currents which can “awaken the latent energy of the metal” which is what synchronization is.

Another interesting idea is that the universal current is a current of neutral magnetic charge. Magnetic charges (magnetic monopoles) have been searched for by particle physicists but have never been found. The great physicist Paul Dirac found that its existence was sufficient to cause the quantisation of electric charge. Particle physicists believe that if they exist they would only appear in very high energy experiments and would not occur free in nature. If they do exist free in nature why are they not readily detectable. One reason for this could be that the magnetic charges exist as magnetically neutral pairs or groups of equal N and S pole charges forming a neutral magnetic current.

There are indications from experiment that something similar has been detected firstly by Ehrenhaft and recently by Mikhailov when very fine dust particles are illuminated by a bright light source. The light is needed to give the unipolar magnetic charges which are formed in pairs. Mikhailov seems to think this only happen with iron particles whereas Ehrenhaft found the same effect also with copper particles. The interesting thing is that light seems to have the effect of revealing a sort of magnetic charge which ordinarily is not detectable. Matter is outwardly electromagnetic, (the nuclear components only appear under more extreme conditions) and the magnetism around magnets and coils of wire carrying an electric current are caused by spinning electric charge or electric charge in motion.

In this respect the universal current is analogous to a piece of soft iron in which the magnetic domains are randomly orientated and so has no external magnetic moment, but if placed in an external magnetic field domain alignment causes the iron to temporally turn into a magnet. Figures 10 and 11 certainly suggest that something similar happens with the universal current, we could expect that like iron the universal current is magnetisable, although it has no magnetic moment of its own. The N-S magnetic field of the earth would align components of the universal current but it would not be possible to separate the effects due to the earth’s magnetic field from the additional effects caused by the universal current. It was only when Rota discovered the that universal current has different components was it possible to separate these components out from the effects of the earth’s magnetic field.


Here are some simple experiments which show the basic elements of Rota’s patents using a simple electronic device. I call this the neon detector.

This circuit will show the fields that surrounds heavy objects in motion. It was originally discovered over 65 years ago by T.B Franklin and J.C. Maby. They found that they could detect aircraft and trains many kilometeres away. At the beginning of WW2 it was investigated by the UK Government as an aircraft detector, but when radar was developed it was abandoned.

It is operated something like a geiger counter.

A00032 SchemaGeiger.jpg
  • R1 is 1 Megohm.
  • R2 is 100 Kohm
  • R3 is 100 ohms
  • CX1 is 0.02 microfarad

Adjust R2 to maximum ohms and gradually turn R1 from zero until the just neon starts firing as heard in the phones as a clicking noise. Reduce R2 until the clicking becomes irregular.and adjust R1 until click rate is about 1 per second. Reduce R2 until just above where the clicks start to appear in groups. If no click occurs reverse polarity of the neon.

Some 85A2 are better than others for this detector.

Go to an uninhabited area as far away from human habitation as possible. Mount the detector on a tripod and run a car with the engine off down a gentle slope toward the detector. You will notice bursts of click at fixed distances from the car and places where the click rate is reduced between. The car in motion appears as though it were surrounded in zones at fixed distances from it. This can be readily computerized. It seems clear that there is an ambient field which is disturbed by heavy objects in motion and the effect is as though the obect were surrounded in spherical ripples of many metres wavelength. Before WW2 J.C. Maby found that aircraft could be detected a great distance away and trains 12 Km away. Remember there was much less motor traffic and aircraft at that time so it was easier to clearly see these effects than today.

It seems that there is an ambient field disturbed by heavy objects, especially paramagnetic objects such as cars. This is essentially what Rota was saying detecting and what the neon is detecting.

There are many unknown effects detected with this device. For example a vertical steel rod has four fan shaped beams radiating from it in N,E,S,W direction.

Additionally there are experiments done by various people with earthed radio antennas. In theory these should not work at the frequencies received/transmitted but they do except that the reception/transmission shows a strange variability. There are a number of internet sites devoted to ground radio.

http://www.borderlands.com/newstuff/research/FelixRadio/FelixRadio.htm http://www.borderlands.com/newstuff/research/ground-myst.htm ( page captured)

Rota seemed to start by transmitting radio signal through the ground using an induction coil and presumably a spark-gap system as used in early radio by Marconi. I suppose he must have noticed that signals sent through the ground from earthed metal probes radiated differently in different directions. From his notes it seems that he did a lot of work on the ship detector the patent of which is shown above. It is assumed that the directional effects of transmission through water persisted. In addition the directions were found to be metal dependent.

A simple experiment is as follows:

A00033 SchemaExperiment.jpg

By moving the detector around the transmitter at some distance away it will be found that the signals transmit better in some directions than another:

A00034 SchemaExperiment2.jpg

Results are soil dependent. Rota did a similar experiment in water, and avoided the soil problem.

Around 1919 [Rogers and Jones patent|Rogers and Jones] had patents from ground radio communication. Below are some of the diagrams from these patents. They are very close to the experiments that Rota was doing. Rota evidently found that putting a block of metal in the transmitting circuit slowly improved the transmission in a given direction and this was what he called synchronization. It would seem likely that the very high voltages used in spark transmission contributed to the improved radiation from the metal due to something close to ionic diffusion from the metal.

A.R Heaver who published the “Layman” articles about Rota quoted above in full said that Slade (Layman) had mentioned that Rota said that metal ore deposits “grew” in the ground from the universal current streams. Mines, where a metallic ore was extracted usually had the universal current associated with metal of the ore in the vicinity. This idea suggests some sort of ionic stream which over geological time deposits a metal.

Another thing, which points in the direction of some sort of ionic flow is seen in the Medical work Rota did with Dr. Kresser. Detection of the universal currents in a human being are by action on a metallic test piece, all the vital functions are ionic in nature, so here is a parallel between the ionic state and the universal current.

A00035 TestBlock.jpg A00036 TestBlockHole.jpg
My Small test block A Small test block and 1.5 meter deep hole partially finished for the test block

Conclusions so far

  • It is possible to transmit through the earth even at quite high frequencies. The effect is directional.
  • Heavy objects such as cars in motion set up a wavelike field, which varies in a complex way but has a sequence in it like Rota says.
  • Ground antennas do seem to send out some sort of “ionic” stream characteristic of the metal when excited by high voltages but this needs careful investigation because it seems to be the nub of Rota’s work.

To be Continued………………